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DFA Climate Change Call To Action

Accelerating Zambia’s Private Sector Climate Action Strategies

Development Finance Associates (DFA), A Zambian based non-profit social enterprise seeks to create collaborative partnerships with public, private, local and international organizations that will drive an accelerated implementation of the country’s climate action strategies through the grass roots – the underserved youth, local communities, women and SMEs.

The impact of climate change in Zambia has been adverse and has resulted into the country’s worst drought in decades, with communities at the bottom of the developmental pyramid being hardest hit. Their capacity to generate income has been eroded by extended hours of power outages, food security threatened by drought and escalating commodity prices and the evident high volatility in macro-economic fundamentals has heightened the cost basic food item.  These adverse effects are directly families and communities within the country of which 60% are already living in extreme poverty (living below USD 2.10 a day). In view of this grim picture, the time to act with decisive actions is now. DFA will drive practical solutions driven and implemented by the communities who are truly at the root of the impact.

DFA seeks to partner with public, private, international and local organizations that seek to create long term impactful solutions in the 3 key thematic areas of mitigation, adaptation and resilience to drive an accelerated climate action at grass root level.

  1. Mitigation – support to community groups, women and SME to implement community programs in waste management and commercialization programs
  2. Adaptation – build capacity among SME to implement climate action in green energy and conservation agriculture
  3. Resilience – create a climate change guarantee fund to provide the resilience to finance the long-term strategies

The country’s climate change resilience can only be achieved through collective efforts, collaborative approaches and practical implementation of solutions through the grass roots to achieve maximum impact.   Join us in the first instance and be part of the solution to creating impact with the biggest constituency of our country by going to the link

Development Finance Associates (DFA), A Zambian based non-profit social enterprise seeks to create collaborative partnerships with public, private, local and international organizations that will drive an accelerated implementation of the country’s climate action strategies through the grass roots – the underserved youth, local communities, women and SMEs.

The three thematic areas of partnership and collaboration are

  1. Mitigation – Support to community youth groups, women and SME to implement community programs in waste management and commercialization. Youth and Women (most carrying babies on their backs) collecting used water plastic bottles from around the city. The bottles are collected from everywhere which includes drainages, dump sites and rubbish bins. The women need to be supported to increase their capacity to generate income within the waste management space
  2. Adaptation – DFA runs a program to build an SME Climate Change Pipeline. Enterprises that are undergoing a 5-month investment readiness training to build the next generation of climate change enterprises. The 3-year program will support 150 enterprises from across 5 provinces be ready for climate finance. DFA is supporting SME enterprises that are creating investment ready projects in green solar energy and conservation smart agriculture. This presents a great opportunity to escalate and diversify the country’s energy mix through SME
  3. Resilience – DFA is working to establish the first ever country Climate Change Guarantee Fund that will provide the country financing for climate change SME creating a long-term resilience. We seek long term financing partnerships to support the call
Please fill in the “Commitment to Climate Change Action at the Grassroot” Form outline the areas of possible collaboration and we will reach out to you within 3 working days.