+260 979 618112

Who we are

Established in May 2017 in the Republic of Zambia, DFA is not for profit social enterprise fund manager representing the interests of the SME private sector in building practical financial solution platform for enhanced access to fiance.
DFA’s main objective is to create a long term sustainable platform for increased access to Finance for the youth, women and marginalized SMEs in an effort to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of the local communities in creating the household wealth.

We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

 We believe that we are outstanding. Not because we say it, but because we work hard at it. We are dedicated, committed and focused. We believe that every SME will reach its best and overcome any challenge through a shared culture and ethos.

Our vision


We strive to provide the highest level of ethical execution of the development agent in a manner that is  transparent, embodies the highest form of integrity, alludes to good governance and embraces gender equality in our goal to achieve poverty reduction for both the present and future generations


SMEs capital needs, relatively minimal, represent an efficient utilization of scarce capital resources, which, accepted is predominantly a scarce factor of production in Sub Sahara Africa and developing countries in general.


The economic and social benefits that rationalize the need for SME financing for purposes of development are fully supported by empirical evidence. It is important to note that SME capacity to generate profits is not hindered by long production runs and small firms can thrive in relatively small local markets by producing small quantities of commodities.

Why we exist

We exist because we are an SME that believes in SMEs. We believe that not only Zambia’s economic long-term development but the African continent as a whole will ultimately be determined by the efforts of the SME. This is the cornerstone of everything we do.

We care about the growth of every SME, the community they work- in, their specific needs and the results they can deliver for the country. It is not what the country can do for the SMEs but what the SMEs can do for the country.


We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

What we do

Providing a locally tailored investment risk model for management of debt, equity and grants investment that is designed to create social impact and support long term financial inclusion of SMEs.

A unique structured business entrepreneurship and financial management training that addresses the real-world practical challenges to fully equip the entrepreneurs to face the challenge of the business world. The training is specifically designed and tailor focused to SMEs and SME trainers.

We offer and provide in-depth consultancy research analysis and advocacy of fundamental social and economic development research in cross cutting areas of finance, social investment, economics, agriculture, trade, marketing, SME access to finance, financial inclusion and management.

Providing unique complete business incubation support from basic due diligence, through business model scaling to a viable funding ready business plan. The technical support would extend to BDS after funding. We are building a pipeline of funding ready SMEs.

Providing unique complete business incubation support from basic due diligence, through business model scaling to a viable funding ready business plan. The technical support would extend to BDS after funding. We are building a pipeline of funding ready SMEs.

Providing unique complete business incubation support from basic due diligence, through business model scaling to a viable funding ready business plan. The technical support would extend to BDS after funding. We are building a pipeline of funding ready SMEs.